New Delhi : The Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) has apprehended a Sub-Inspector of Delhi Police, posted at Police Station Kalkaji, in a case related to alleged demanding and accepting a bribe from the complainant, the probe agency said on Wednesday.
A case was registered by CBI on Tuesday against Sub-Inspector of Delhi Police, identified as Sunil Verma, on the basis of a complaint. It was alleged in the complaint that accused SI demanded bribe of Rs 20,000 for settling a complaint of harassment lodged against the complainant by a woman. Later, accused agreed to reduce the demanded bribe amount to Rs 15,000, CBI official claimed.
Acting on this complaint, the CBI sleuths laid a trap and the accused was caught red handed while allegedly demanding and accepting the bribe of Rs 15,000 from the complainant, CBI official said.
Searches were carried out at the residence and office of the accused and incriminating evidence has been recovered from there, it added.