New Delhi:A day after bomb threat emails to over 150 schools in Delhi-NCR, the Delhi Police claimed now fake audio messages were being circulated on social media. On the issue, the Delhi Police conveyed to the parents that all those messages were false. Urging the parents not to believe in false messages, the Delhi Police said some audio messages are being pushed on some chat groups regarding bomb threats in schools.
“Some audio messages are being pushed on Whatsapp and other chat groups that some suspicious objects were found in some schools. These messages are false and have no truth in them,” the Delhi Police said. Posanjeet Ghosh whose daughter is studying at a private school in East Delhi, said, “Today, the situation was seen as normal on the school premises. We sent our kid to school to attend classes without fear.”
Speaking on the issue, Suman Nalwa, Public Relations Officer (PRO), of the Delhi Police told ETV Bharat, “The police received false messages, which were circulating on some parents’ social media groups. We informed parents that this is false information.”
After receiving bomb threat emails there was so much panic and chaos among parents, teachers and students at schools on Wednesday, the situation seemed normal and the students were coming to the schools as usual on Thursday morning, the PRO said.