New Delhi: The Delhi High Court on Thursday Feb 22 reserved its judgment over a plea by Trinamool Congress MP Mahua Moitra seeking to stop the ED from leaking “confidential and unconfirmed information” in connection with the probe against her under the Foreign Exchange Management Act (FEMA), 1999. The ED however denied leaking the information to the media.
A bench of Justice Subramaniam while hearing the TMC MP's plea will announce the judgment on Friday Feb 23. In her plea, Mahua Moitra through her advocate Rebecca John said that ED is leaking confidential information related to the investigation of FEMA violations. John said that ED leaks any communication before sending it to the petitioner and it gets published as news.
Moitra has demanded to stop 19 media houses from publishing “unconfirmed, false and defamatory information” against her in the case. ED had issued summons to Mahua Moitra for questioning on February 14 and February 20 in the alleged FEMA violation case. Moitra has demanded that the ED and media houses be restrained from leaking and publishing material related to the investigation into FEMA violations while the case is pending.