Sultanpur (UP):The MP-MLA court in Sultanpur on Friday could not hear a defamation case filed against Congress leader Rahul Gandhi over a 2018 incident as the plaintiff could not appear citing ill health, his lawyer said. The court has now fixed September 5 as the next date for hearing in the case, plaintiff Vijay Mishra's lawyer Santosh Kumar Pandey said.
"Mishra did not appear in the court today due to ill health. An application was given to the court seeking time to present evidence, which was accepted and the MP-MLA court has given the date of September 5 for the next hearing. "On this date, the plaintiff will have to present evidence in the court through the lawyer," Pandey said.
Gandhi's lawyer Kashi Prasad Shukla said plaintiff Mishra did not appear in the court for evidence due to ill health. Now the court has fixed the date of September 5 for the hearing, he added. During the Karnataka elections in 2018, Gandhi allegedly made objectionable remarks against senior BJP leader Amit Shah. In August 2018, Mishra, a local BJP leader and former cooperative chairman, had filed a complaint in the court leading to the defamation case.