New Delhi: With hardly a few days left to the election for the 18th Lok Sabha, the CPI-Marxist will release its election manifesto here on Thursday. Sources in the CPI-M told ETV Bharat on Tuesday that the manifesto categorised into three parts will highlight several crucial points like farmers' issue, economic crisis, safeguarding the weaker sections of society, unemployment as well as ensuring the secular democratic value of the Indian Constitution.
“We will highlight attacks on the Constitutional rights of freedom of expression, attacks on media persons and those critical of the government on social media and elsewhere and the indiscriminate branding of those critical of the RSS and BJP as being anti-national. The criminalisation of democratic dissent; harassment and intimidation of intellectuals standing up in support of those targeted by the government like Dalits,” said Hannan Mollah, former MP and a member of the CPI-M’s Election Manifesto Committee.
In the recent past, we have seen that the ruling party with the help of investigative agencies were involved in attacking media houses, Mollah said. The manifesto, according to Mollah, will also highlight the communal polarisation because of vote bank politics. “The ruling party (BJP) is taking forward the RSS ideology of making India a Hindu Rashtra by sidelining the secular democratic of the country,” said Mollah.