New Delhi:The Congress was all set for D-day on Tuesday and had set up a monitoring centre to supervise the much-awaited counting of votes for the 2024 Lok Sabha polls on June 4. “We have made all necessary arrangements for the counting day. The BJP government can play any sort of mischief. In the past, they have influenced various constitutional institutions. Though we trust the Election Commission of India, we need to be alert,” Syed Naseer Hussain, who manages Congress president Mallikarjun Kharge’s office, told ETV Bharat.
“The INDIA bloc met on June 1 and assessed the polls. A reasonable number of 295 plus seats was then announced by the Congress chief. We are confident of our win,” he said.
The AICC functionary’s views reflected the confidence that former party chief Sonia Gandhi exuded in the morning by saying that the actual poll results would be opposite to the exit polls, which have predicted an NDA win.
According to party insiders, the Congress had asked all its state units to remain alert throughout the counting day and directed them to quickly deploy party workers if some wrongdoing was reported from any place.
Furthermore, the party asked the party workers not to leave the counting tables till the entire process was completed and urged them to record videos of any suspicious activity on their mobile phones and send the same to the national monitoring centre.
The party also lined up a battery of lawyers who will offer solutions and help the workers deal with any wrongdoings reported during the counting process. “There are some clear seats and some close seats where there may be a need for a legal mind,” said Hussain.