New Delhi : The Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) arrested seven persons including the Divisional Railway Manager (DRM) and Senior Divisional Finance Manager (Sr. DFM) of South Central Railways, Guntakal Division in Andhra Pradesh in a case related to alleged bribery for showing favours in railway tenders, the Central probe agency said on Saturday.
The CBI registered a case against 13 accused including five public servants, Vineet Singh (Divisional Railway Manager), Kunda Pradeep Babu (Sr. Divisional Finance Manager), U. Akki Reddy the then (Sr. Divisional Engineer) now transferred as Deputy CEN Track, South Central Railways Secunderabad, M Balaji (Office Superintendent) and D. Laksmi Pathi Raju (Account Assistant).
Persons or firms named as accused in FIR include the Director of a Bangalore-based company and his company, a representative of a Guntakal-based firm, two representatives of two other Bangalore-based firms, a representative of a Hyderabad-based firm and two private persons, the CBI claimed.
It was alleged that accused contractors, individually or jointly have undertaken various tenders in the Guntakal Division of South Central Railways and were obtaining undue benefits in the award of various tenders, in the execution of the awarded works and expeditious processing of the bills by paying alleged huge bribes to the public servants of South-Central Railways, the probe agency informed.
The accused public servants were allegedly indulging in corrupt practices in awarding various tenders under their jurisdiction and clearing alleged inflated bills of the contractors, thus causing wrongful gain to them and wrongful loss to the government exchequer, the agency said.