Hyderabad: Captain Rheeya K Sreedharan has created a history of sorts by becoming the first second-generation woman officer to earn the coveted Aviation Wings in the Indian Army. Following in the footsteps of her father, Brigadier Kaushal Sreedharan, she achieved this prestigious milestone at the Valedictory Ceremony at the Combat Aviation Training School (CATS) in Nashik.
After completing 11 months of intense and rigorous training, Capt Rheeya emerged as a role model for young aspirants. Awarded by the premier flying institution of the Indian Army under the aegis of the Army Training Command (ARTRAC), the Aviation Wings mark her induction into the elite Army Aviation Corps as a combat helicopter pilot.
The Army Aviation Corps, the youngest arm of the Indian Army, plays a vital role in enhancing operational capabilities and providing air mobility, surveillance, and combat support. As a combat aviator, Capt Rheeya embodies the Army's mission of preparedness and excellence. Her achievement also highlights the growing participation of women in roles traditionally dominated by men within the armed forces.