Chennai (Tamil Nadu):The Southern Railway on Friday announced that bookings are open for two Vande Bharat trains - one connecting Madurai Junction and Bengaluru Cantonment and the other connecting Chennai Egmore and Nagercoil Junction.
The information was given by Southern Railways in separate posts shared on X. Prime Minister Narendra Modi will flag off three Vande Bharat trains on August 31 via video conferencing.
The state-of-the-art Vande Bharat Express will improve the connectivity on three routes: Meerut-Lucknow; Madurai-Bengaluru and Chennai-Nagercoil, an official statement said.
These new Vande Bharat trains shall provide the people of the region with the world-class means to travel with speed and comfort and will cater to three states - Uttar Pradesh, Tamil Nadu, and Karnataka. The introduction of these Vande Bharat Express trains will herald a new standard of rail service to meet the needs of regular travellers, professionals, business and student community in immense measure, the statement added.
The Madurai Junction and Bengaluru Cantonment Vande Bharat train will halt at Dindigul, Tiruchchirappalli, Karur, Namakkal, Salem, and Krishnarajapuram. The train will run on all the days except Tuesday and it will depart from Madurai at 5.15 AM and will reach Bengaluru Cantonment at 1 PM the same day.
The Chennai Egmore to Nagercoil Vande Bharat will halt at Tambaram, Villupuram Junction, Tiruchchirappalli Junction, Dindigul Junction, Madurai Junction, Kovipatti and Tirunelveli Junction. The train will depart from Chennai Egmore at 5 AM and reach Nagercoil Junction at 1.50 PM on the same day.
The train will run on all the days except Wednesday.