Mumbai: BJP candidate from Surat Lok Sabha constituency Mukesh Dalal won unopposed, which triggered many questions from different sections. Marathi film industry director Sameer Vidwans asked while the option of NOTA was given, who could this election be unanimous. BJP National General Secretary Vinod Tawde has made a controversial statement that there should have been a candidate for NOTA.
After the Congress candidate Nilesh Kumbhani's application from Surat was rejected during scrutiny, BJP candidate Mukesh Dalal was elected unopposed as other candidates also withdrew their applications. District Collector and Election Returning Officer Saurabh Pardhi announced the victory of BJP candidate Mukesh Dalal and gave him a certificate.
On this, film director Sameer Vidwans said that there is the right of electors to vote for NOTA (None of the Above) and even if there is only one candidate left due to any reason, there can be a fight between that candidate and NOTA. "He may be elected but at least the right to vote can be exercised and the real opinion of the people about that candidate will be known", said Sameer Vidwans.
Speaking on the question raised by Sameer Vidwans, senior legal expert Asim Sarode said that he fully agrees with the question raised about NOTA. In fact, Election Commission has made this option available for transparent voting. "Even if there is only one candidate in the constituencies, as NOTA option is available, the Election Commission is required by law to hold elections there. This decision of the Election Commission can also be challenged by law," he said.
Asim Sarode said that during the contest between the main two or three candidates, if the application of two or one candidate fails in scrutiny, the possibility of withdrawing the candidature of other minor party candidates and independent candidates by forcing them with pressure cannot be ruled out. In such cases, the option of NOTA is available to voters, which is why the Election Commission should empower the voters to exercise their right by holding polls in such situations, Asim Sarode said.
On the other hand, BJP National General Secretary Vinod Tawde has said that the victory of BJP candidate Mukesh Dalal in Surat was announced by the Election Commission in a proper manner. There was no pressure on anybody from BJP to withdraw their nominations and if the voters are so worried about NOTA then they should have given a candidate for NOTA, he said.
Congress has accused Mukesh Dalal of being declared the winner by the Election Commission improperly. Congress has also demanded that fresh election should be held in Surat. Congress claims that BJP was afraid of the business community in Surat, that is why they tried match fixing in this Lok Sabha constituency. BSP's Pyarelal Bharti, those of three smaller parties and four independents withdrew their nominations from Surat constituency on Monday.
Earlier during the scrutiny, the application of Nilesh Kumbhani of Congress was rejected as the signatures of the informants on his application were found to be forged. Also, the application of Suresh Padsala, who was a dummy candidate instead of Kumbhani, was rejected. Due to this, BJP's Mukesh Dalal won unopposed.
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