Lucknow:Ravi Kishan, the BJP candidate, who is contesting from the Gorakhpur Lok Sabha constituency, got respite from the Mumbai court. The court rejected the petition of 25-year-old Shinova Soni, in which she had demanded a DNA test of Ravi Kishan. Shinova had claimed that Ravi Kishan was her biological father.
Mumbai woman Aparna Thakur held a press conference on April 15 calling Ravi Kishan her husband. Later, Aparna also produced her daughter Shinova Soni before the media. Actress Shinova Soni, who claimed Ravi Kishan as her father, approached the court. Shinova filed a petition demanding a DNA test of Ravi Kishan. Shinova filed a petition asking that she be officially recognised as Ravi Kishan's daughter. She has also requested the High Court to order that Ravi Kishan should not refuse to take responsibility for her as a daughter.
While hearing this case, the court said that prima facie there is no case which shows any relationship between Aparna and Ravi Kishan.
Twenty-five-year-old Shinova Soni, who calls herself the daughter of Ravi Kishan, is an actor and model. Shinova has a Bachelor of Arts and has been seen in many advertisements. Apart from that, she has also worked with former Miss Universe and actress Lara Dutta in Kunal Kohli's web series 'Hickups and Hookups'. In this, Shinova has played the role of Lara's daughter.