Patna:Bihar Chief Minister Nitish Kumar on Monday ruled out the possibility of quitting the NDA, pointing out that his ties with the BJP went back a long way. The JD(U) supremo, who termed as a "mistake" his two short-lived alliances with the RJD-Congress combine, fondly recalled the backing he had always received from former prime minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee.
"It was respected Atal ji who made me a Union minister. He used to shower so much affection on me. I never faced any difficulty in getting my proposals cleared,” Kumar told reporters in Vaishali district, which he toured as part of the state-wide ‘Pragati Yatra’.
The longest-serving chief minister of the state also recalled that it was Vajpayee's wish that "I become the CM" when the NDA first won assembly polls in Bihar in 2005.