Bengaluru (Karnataka): Tamil Nadu Minister Udhayanidhi Stalin has been summoned by a Bengaluru court in connection with his 'Sanatana Dharma' remarks. Udhayanidhi has been summoned by the 42 MCMM court in Bengaluru to appear before it on March 4 on a complaint lodged by a Bengaluru local person named Paramesh. In its summons, the court has directed the Tamil Nadu Minister to appear in person for the March 4 hearing.
Udhayanidhi, who is the son of Tamil Nadu Chief Minister M K Stalin, stoked a controversy last year by comparing Sanatana Dharma to 'dengue' and 'malaria' fevers and made a strong suggestion for its elimination. At that time, Udhayanidhi's comment created a political uproar across the nation.