Bilaspur: A barber and his friend, a student of a polytechnic college, were arrested in Rajasthan's Alwar district for duping a retired employee of Rs 54.30 lakh. The accused, identified as Nikunj Kumar and Lakshya Saini Sahab, were found to be involved in an inter-state fraud.
During interrogation, the accused confessed to the crime, saying they used to cheat people by posing as officers of the ED and Mumbai Police Crime Branch. They threatened victims by saying they uploaded pornography content on social media and was involved in a money laundering racket.
The crime surfaced after Jaidev Singh, a retired central government employee of Agyeya Nagar received a call in June, where the callers introduced themselves as officers of ED and Mumbai Police Crime Branch. The callers told him that he would be arrested soon as porn clips have been uploaded in his name on social media and that he was found involved in a money laundering racket. By threatening arrest, the accused got Jaidev to deposit Rs 54.30 lakh in installments in their bank accounts from June 26 to July 15. When the victim realised that he was cheated, he complained to the police.