Bellary/Vijayanagar: These days, even bank robberies have gone digital, as cybercriminals are now looting money online without setting foot in the bank. One such shocking case has surfaced from Karnataka's Hospet where hackers siphoned off Rs 2.34 crore from the Bellary District Cooperative Central (BDCC) Bank by altering transaction details.
B Jayaprakash, Chief Executive Officer of the BDCC Bank, filed a complaint at the Hospet Police Station regarding the alleged fraud transaction amounting to Rs 2,34,05,405. The bank was supposed to pay this amount to 25 customers through RTGS/NEFT (Real Time Gross Settlement, National Electronic Funds Transfer).
'Online' Bank Robbery
As per the complaint, on January 10, RTGS/NEFT of Rs 2.34 crore was made to various accounts of customers from the BDCC Bank branch in Hospet, Vijaynagar district. Because January 11 and 12 were holidays, it was expected that the money would be deposited in the concerned accounts on January 13. However, when the funds did not get deposited in the designated accounts, the bank authorities found it suspicious.
Bank CEO Jayaprakash mentioned in the complaint that upon examination, it was revealed that the money was diverted to other accounts by altering critical details in the bank's transaction files.