New Delhi:The Tamil Nadu Director General of Police on Monday told the Supreme Court that Chief Minister MK Stalin issued no oral orders to disallow any events like special poojas on the day of the Pran Pratishta in Ayodhya, but data produced by him before the court shows that the authorities allowed only four out of a total of 288 petitions received and rejected applications for live streaming of the event in temples and other indoors.
The Tamil Nadu DGP stressed that the petitioner is attempting to portray the government as anti-Hindu, which is “totally false and condemnable”. The DGP, in an affidavit in the apex court, said police across the state received 288 petitions regarding the Lord Ram temple event at Ayodhya. These petitions were about requests for the conduct of processions, bhajans, annadhanams, live streaming through LED screens in public places and live streaming in and around private temples and temples under the HR & CE department. Out of 288, four were permitted, 146 were rejected, which included seven petitions for live streaming in temples and other indoors – and 138 petitions were kept pending for verification (out of these eight were for live streaming in temples and other indoors).
Today, a bench of justices Sanjiv Khanna and Dipankar Datta was told by Tamil Nadu government counsel that 36 permissions were denied due to apprehensions over law and order. The apex court was informed that the issue of denial of permissions is already pending before the Madurai and the Madras benches of the high court, and therefore, this matter be disposed of. The state’s counsel said they received 288 applications, out of which 252 were allowed. The apex court asked the state’s counsel to file an affidavit giving details of the permissions granted and rejected within 15 days as well as on what issues are pending before the two benches of the Madras High Court. The apex court has listed the matter for further hearing after 15 days.
The apex court, on January 22, had taken exception to alleged oral orders issued by the Tamil Nadu government, restricting the live telecast of 'Pran Partishtha' consecration ceremony of Ram temple at Ayodhya and the performing of 'puja' and rendering of 'bhajans' in the state. Citing paragraphs from the petition, the DGP's affidavit said the contents in these paragraphs were unwarranted and derogatory against the Chief Minister and “the petitioner has portrayed the Tamil Nadu government as anti-Hindu, which is false and condemnable”.