New Delhi:The Supreme Court on Friday allowed the Commission for Air Quality Management (CAQM) to relax the anti-pollution GRAP-4 (Graded Response Action Plan) measures to stage-2, in the national capital region against the backdrop of improvement in the air quality index (AQI) levels.
The matter came up before a bench comprising justices Abhay S Oka and Augustine George Masih. The bench suggested the CAQM include some additional measures of GRAP-3 in stage-2 curbs.
The bench noted that up to November 30, the AQI levels were consistently above 300, but during the last four days the AQI levels have come down below 300. The bench said it is true that at some stage it will have to leave it to the CAQM to decide the applicability of stages under GRAP.
The bench told the CAQM that stage-3 curbs would be introduced if AQI crossed the 350 mark and stage-4 curbs if AQI crossed 400.
Additional Solicitor General Aishwarya Bhati contended that as per the latest AQI figures, GRAP-4 measures can be relaxed, as there is a clear downward trend in the AQI. Bhati stressed that GRAP-4 measures are "very disruptive".
Referring to the data submitted to the court, the bench said it does not think it will be appropriate at this stage to allow the commission to go below Stage 2.
“So, we permit the commission to go to stage 2 for the present. It will be appropriate if the commission may consider incorporating certain additional measures which are part of Stage 3”, said the bench. However, the bench made it clear that if AQI crosses 400 on a given day, stage 4 measures will have to be re-introduced.