Chennai:Tamil Nadu police are monitoring 14 individuals some including journalists who downloaded the FIR about a sexual assault on a student in the Anna University Campus, officials said on Tuesday. While the MEITY officials have blamed it on a technical glitch, the police have booked two news channels for revealing the identity of the victim in their broadcast.
The FIR was downloaded from the Union Home Ministry's Crime and Criminal Tracking Network & Systems (CCTNS), which is administered by the National Informatics Centre (NIC). The NIC is part of the Union Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology(MEITY).
The OTP trail
Sources from the police department said they have sought inputs of the mobile numbers to which the users have sought the OTP to download the sensitive FIR. The said individuals are under the scanner for any role in the subsequent leak of the FIR. It is pertinent to note the Supreme Court had laid down the guidelines on media coverage on sexual assault crimes and to protect the identities of the survivors or victims in such cases. It forbids sharing or transmission of sensitive information on sensitive cases involving women and children.
Six television channels in Tamil Nadu had broadcast the details from the sensitive FIR, revealing the identity of the sexual assault victim. Four channels have taken it off air following backlash within a few minutes. Two including a party mouth piece had kept the sensitive information on air for hours before taking it off, a senior police official privy to the investigation said.
The Commissioner of Police(CoP) A Arun, in a press conference last week, said technical glitches allowed the users to download the FIR. Criminal action under provisions of the IT act has been necessitated against two TV channels, said the COP, without naming the channels.
NIC asks SCRB to recheck sensitive sections
ETV Bharat has learnt that the NIC regional office had informed the state government that the transition from the Indian Penal Code(IPC) to Bharatiya Nyay Sanhita(BNS) could have led to the lapse.