Hyderabad:Indian business tycoon Anand Mahindra recently took to social media to share an inspiring story about nine-year-old Pranysqa Mishra, who mesmerised everyone with her singing talent on the popular TV show America's Got Talent. Pranysqa Mishra, originally from India and now living in Florida with her family, earned the prestigious Golden Buzzer for her extraordinary performance.
Mahindra, known for his active presence on social media and his penchant for sharing motivational stories, posted a video capturing Pranysqa Mishra's performance and an emotional moment with her grandmother. During the show, the judges spoke to Praniska's grandmother via video call, a segment that brought tears to her eyes as she expressed her overwhelming pride and joy. Mahindra mentioned that he, too, was moved to tears by the heartfelt exchange, highlighting the strong bond between Pranysqa Mishra and her grandmother.