Mumbai:Union Minister Amit Shah on Sunday released the BJP’s ‘Sankalp Patra’ manifesto here for the November 20 Maharashtra assembly polls. The promises in the 60-page manifesto, a copy of which was accessed by ETV Bharat, range from monthly financial assistance under Ladki Bahin Yojanaand loan waiver to farmers to making the western state a global capital for fintech and artificial intelligence (AI).
The BJP has also promised to bring in a strict law against "forced conversions ensuring protection from coercive and deceptive religious conversions".
Releasing the manifesto, Shah said the ‘Sankalp Patra’ was a reflection of the aspirations of the people of Maharashtra. Deputy CM Devendra Fadnavis, state BJP chief Chandrashekhar Bawankule, Mumbai BJP chief Ashish Shelar, Union Minister Piyush Goyal and other leaders of the party were present on the occasion.
Highlights Of BJP's 'Sankalp Patra'?
- Rs 2100 monthly financial assistance under Ladki Bahin Yojana.
- Loan waiver to farmers; Samman Nidhi increase from Rs 12,000 to Rs 15,000; 20% alignment on MSP.
- Farm tracks will be built across 45,000 villages in Maharashtra.
- Rs 15,000 per month to Anganwadi workers.
- Increase in old-age pension from Rs 1500 to Rs 2100.
- 10 lakh students to get Rs 10,000 monthly stipend, Aim to create 25 lakh job opportunities.
- Rs 15 lakh interest-free loans for SC, ST and OBC entrepreneurs.
- 30% reduction in electricity bills.
- Maharastra to be made $1 trillion economy by 2028.
- Vision Maharastra 2029 to be presented within 100 days of forming the government.
- Strict law against forced and fraudulent conversions.
- By 2027, 50 lakh lakhpati didis to be created in Maharashtra.
- ‘MAHARATHI (Maharashtra Advanced Robotics and AI Training Hub Initiative)—ATL (Atal Tinkering Labs) Yojana’, offering Robotics and AI learning opportunities in all State Government schools.
- Maharashtra to be established as the global capital for fintech and artificial intelligence (AI). The country’s first dedicated AI university to be established to foster AI research, innovation, and development.
- Nagpur, Pune, Chhatrapati Sambhajinagar, Ahilyanagar, and Nashik to be developed into modern aeronautical and space production centres.
'Can Rahul Gandhi say two good words for Savarkar?'
During the event, Amit Shah took a dig at Shiv Sena (UBT) chief Uddhav Thackeray accusing him of siding with the Congress, whose leaders have "insulted" Balasaheb Thackeray and Veer Savarkar.
Posing a question to Uddhav Thackeray, Shah asked if he could "request" Congress leader Rahul Gandhi to say "two good words" for Veer Savarkar. “Can any Congress leader say a few words in honour of Balasaheb Thackeray,” Shah said.
“It would be good if the people of Maharashtra get to know those who have come out with the dream of forming an alliance government amidst such contradictions,” he said.