Ahmedabad:Tainted doctor Sanjay Patolia, arrested on Wednesday in connection with the angioplasty scam in the Khyoti Hospital in the city where two patients died post-stent placement, was produced in the District Court Ahmedabad Rural on Thursday where a strong argument was presented seeking his remand.
A remand application was given before the court on behalf of public prosecutor Vijay Barot who told the court that as the director of Khyati Hospital, Patolia is also an accused. He has been associated with the hospital since 2021 and knew about this scam in which two patients died for his financial gain.
Barot further argued that the benefit of the PM-JAY scheme can be availed by patients with a 70 per cent heart blockage and patients with normal blockage were also shown as having 70-80 per cent blockage. The remand was necessary to know about Patolia's role in the entire scandal as well as the hospital where 39 per cent of the accused and railway employees underwent surgery. "Is there any benefit taken in that regard? The remand is needed for its investigation," he told the court.
Barot further argued that a report, showing losses, was submitted by the hospital. Along with other directors, the report bears the initials of Patolia. Another accused, Dr Karthik Patel and Rajshree Kothari, are still at large. Since Patolia is in touch with them, thorough questioning is necessary.