Murshidabad (West Bengal):Government schools are now a cool place! The days of hot and sweaty days in the classrooms are over. Air-conditioned classrooms are waiting for the students of the government-aided Rashora Ambika High School of Kandi in West Bengal’s Murshidabad district. And all that was possible due to the contributions of a handful of teachers of that school.
Around 900 students of the Rashora Ambika High School study from Classes V to XII. But, when the school reopened after the summer vacation this year, the teachers found several students missing from their classes. The dropout rate simply kept rising.
“We were worried. The attendance went thinner by the day and that was when we found that many students were staying back at home because they could not brave the sweltering summer. It was a matter of worry as we have to complete the syllabus,” said one of the teachers at Rashora Ambika High School.
The school’s management committee, along with the headmaster, went into a huddle to find a solution, which had to be quick and lasting. “It was during one of those meetings that the headmaster proposed the idea of installing air conditioners in the classrooms. It would not only help the students beat the heat, but will also encourage others to rejoin classes. In this agrarian-dominated belt, it would be a good initiative, we thought,” said the teacher.