New Delhi: The number of medical colleges increased by 82 per cent, rising from 387 in 2014 to 706 in 2023, the Centre informed in the Lok Sabha on Friday. “The government has increased the number of medical colleges and subsequently increased MBBS seats. There is an increase of 82 per cent in medical colleges from 387 to 706. Furthermore, there is an increase of 112 per cent in MBBS seats from 51,348 till 2014 to 1,08,940 in 2023, and there is also an increase of 127 per cent in PG seats from 31,185 in 2014 to 70,645 in 2023,” said Health Minister Mansukh Mandaviya.
According to the statistics provided by Mandaviya, Tamil Nadu tops the list of States having the maximum number of government medical colleges (38), followed by Maharashtra 32 and Telangana 28. Similarly, Karnataka (46), Maharashtra (36), Tamil Nadu (36) and Uttar Pradesh (28) are the top four States with the maximum number of private medical colleges.
“Centrally Sponsored Scheme (CSS) for the establishment of new medical colleges by upgrading district/referral hospitals under which 157 new medical colleges have been approved, out of which 108 are already functional,” Mandaviya said.