Patna: All parties have started preparations for 40 Lok Sabha seats in Bihar with all parties including BJP, JDU and RJD using all strategies like social media to woo voters and take an upper hand. The respective parties are highlighting their leaders' image to pep up their campaign. Special social media campaigns are being run to showcase the leadership of leaders like PM Narendra Modi, CM Nitish Kumar and former deputy CM Tejaswi Yadav.
BJP has crores of followers on all its social media accounts and its Bihar unit has prepared a big team to take care of social media campaigns. In Bihar BJP office Patna, more than two and a half dozen people are busy highlighting the party programmes on social media. More than 1 lakh WhatsApp groups have been created. The team working in BJP Patna office keeps a close watch on the statements not only of the big leaders of the party but also of the leaders of the opposition parties.
Community groups have also been created in WhatsApp. Two thousand people are being added to every community group and teams have been formed at the area, zonal and booth level. A team of 21 people each has been formed in a district with 45 organizations. In more than 1000 divisions, an 11 member team has been formed at divisional level.
RJD leader Tejaswi Yadav is most active on all social sites. His team is on high alert. Being the main opposition party, a war room has been set up in the RJD office, but the biggest team is working at Tejashwi Yadav's official residence, 5 Deshratna Marg. The entire team is working under the supervision of Sanjay Yadav, who is close to Tejaswi Yadav and recently became Rajya Sabha MP. Not only Tejaswi Yadav but posts of Lalu Prasad Yadav and Rabri Devi are also posted from here.
Bihar's ruling party JDU is also not behind in campaigning on social sites. Nitish Kumar's nephew Manish is in charge of social media. According to Manish, more than 50 people are working on JDU's social media. Teams have been formed in all the districts from Patna to the block level. Leaders at every level of the party have been given the responsibility of publicizing the work of the government by creating WhatsApp group community groups.
"We are trying to reach people by giving interviews to those who are benefiting from the government's work. Work is already being done on social media at the party level. CM Nitish Kumar has prepared a big team of social media at the Chief Minister's residence," said Manish.